Friday, January 9, 2009


Stanton Mission

We have had 2 rescuers step up to take dogs for pulling tomorrow; however we do need to make arrangements for transport coordination and I am looking for some help with that if anyone is interested in putting legs together from MI to NY, MI to SD. I have already put a post online with PNP to find someone help, but if you can help just email me.
We have managed to raise the first amount needed to pull the 9 dogs and 3 cats on Monday, and I know how much that was to ask for, but I am going to make another plea. We have $230 right now in funds but we want to pull all 3 dogs available on Thursday, and Hilda on Monday plus we have to vet them to be able to transport to their rescues. We are asking to send $5 each if you can…if you can’t we understand, just do us the favor by forwarding this email on to a few others that may be able to help…any bit can save these animals and we have proven that! We are on a roll here, so lets not stop!
We have a ChipIn set up or email it to paypal address

Please contact if you can or know someone who can help us save these dogs!!! We can set up an application to foster as well.
I will be working with the current rescues on the dogs they have to help them find forever homes for the dogs, but the other day I accidentally gave the wrong link to our sister site, lol…so it is really…

ON BEHALF OF GOING TO THE DOGS & USAP to be on the mailing list for future Stanton emails…or email to request removal at any time.

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