I want to say that I am very proud of & MCCAW’s DEDICATION to ending pound seizure in their county!!! We should take a moment to congratulate them all for their very hard work!
I am not going to go into too much detail on the meeting, as we have enough media coverage for you to watch below, lol…you can read up on all that occurred below.
I do want to take a moment to say that if you could please take a moment to write a letter of THANK YOU to those commissioners who voted to END the contract, I think that they would really appreciate the sincere thanks we have to give them! It was difficult for them, but in the end they listened, and we want them to know we appreciate that!
Yes (not to renew the contract): District 1 Commissioner Ron Blanding, District 2 Commissoner Tom Lindeman, District 3 Commissioner Ron Retzloff, District 4 Commissioner John Johansen, District 8 Commissioner Roger Caris and District 9 Commissoner Steve Crouse.
No (to renew the contract): District 5 Commissioner Carl Paepke, District 6 Commissioner Ron Baker and District 7 Commissioner Patrick Q. Carr.
One thing I want to mention is something that often goes unnoticed. Reubens Room has been taking sometimes up to 20+ cats WEEKLY from Montcalm Animal Shelter to save them from the fate of R&R. While this is WONDERFUL news, they have operated with very little donations. If you wish to make a donation or adopt a cat, please visit the site!!! We need to support these local rescues so that they can continue to save the Montcalm dogs & cats from R&R OR DEATH. Thanks!
Also, if you are interested in donating to STOP (stop taking our pets) to keep the fight going in other cities, counties, and states. We will be using some donations to help Montcalm with any remaining rescue efforts as well as getting the shelter up and running Class B Free!!!!
Pictures of the rally:
Animal shelter volunteers are primed to get busy
UPDATE: County ends its contract with R&R
About 75 rally before animal shelter decision
Animal research contract
vote today
Committee votes against
animal contract
Breaking News: Montcalm County citizens win; animals no longer to be sold for research!
UPDATE: Montcalm votes to end animal research contract